The starting gold replaces the team in your class, although RAW may also replace the background team. Even so, I would say the opposite as. Before we get started, let's take a look at what initial gold is. When you cast a character for the first time, you may notice that each class and background has items that they give to the player.
But sometimes, you don't want the items they give you or you want to customize them freely. Even so, I would say the opposite, since funds don't have initial gold alternatives to start with and they give you an amount of gold depending on your class. In addition, players can find the rules for starting gold on page 143 of the PHB in the Starting Team section. DnD 5e offers two main ways to determine initial level 1 gold.
You can roll a game of dice or you can take the standard starting equipment depending on your class and background. There is only one class that strongly defends the search for gold, and even then it depends on the fund you have selected. However, a bard has a great chance of starting with a lot more wealth even with an average roll of dice compared to taking the initial equipment. The initial team based on the class is worth approximately 100 gp; the average gold roll for a bard is 125 gp.
With a perfect run, you would start with about 200 GP to equip your character and fill your pockets. Basically, to determine your starting gold, you have to launch the gold reserve and then use it to get your main team (the original). However, if you have any money left after all these acquisitions, it would be your initial gold. Therefore, this specific option may work better if you are not satisfied with your starting team, which usually comes with your dnd 5e funds.
You have to draw a particular number of d4 that depends on your class. After that, you'll need to multiply that roll by 10 to get your starting gold. Here you should get a specific number of d4 that depends almost on the class you select. Then, you'll have to multiply that roll by 10 and you'll get your DnD 5E Starting Gold Artificer.
Just by the team rules of the class, they only need to roll 5d4 but not multiply it. Is that all an artificer looks for gold? Here is an option to determine that your starting gold is to roll through the beat of a gold group and also use it to buy your main equipment. Here is an option to determine that your starting gold is to roll for the good of a gold group and also use it to buy your main equipment. The first of the two ways will offer you gold to buy your starting equipment, while the second will assign you equipment based on your character's class, along with the amount of gold dictated by your current background.
One option to determine your starting gold is to get a gold fund and use it to buy your initial equipment. For more analysis, check out the ThinkDM Patreon, where you can find a complete chart that allows you to adjust gold based on the% of the initial team's maximum value, set up the starting equipment for each class, and using different gold dice. Archaeologists and nobles will start with 25 GP, while the Charmed One will exchange gold for valuable equipment to compensate for the absence of gold.